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Preparation Reading for ALLOWING

To help your further prepare for this sacred work I would advise you to read the article below which has 3-sections. The article is presented here in order to help the modern person understand many of the misconceptions in society around partaking in spiritual work, investing money in spiritual care & development, and sacrificing needlessly. Unless these predominating misconceptions are fully addressed people generally will not be able to move forward with their deeper soul work.

The body will do what it needs to do naturally but you have to help it recover if the mind-body-soul connection has been disconnected. It is advised that you reread this article several times because you will receive new awarenesses for yourself each time you read it. Whether you do the work here or elsewhere the messages contained within this writing can assist in on your modern day walk on the spiritual  path.

This article is designed to help you release limitations. May you allow your life to be abundantly blessed with all that you require. May you feel the depth of your own divinity that is always there trying to elevate you to unimagined heights in-between all the noise and chaos of this modern world.

Effective spiritual tools help remove the noise so that you may get to your true soul nature which is whole and divine. The quality, depth, and speed in which you work is self-determined upon your innate capacity and lack of ego limitations. The abundance of the universe is yours with a free mind. To obtain a free mind — takes much spiritual development.

Article –  The Practicality of Modern Day Spirituality

Part 1. The Purpose of Using Spiritual Tools

Part 2. Modern Day Investing in Your Spiritual Care

Part 3. Prosperity Consciousness for the Spiritual Person

The Practicality of Modern Day Spirituality

PART 1 – The Purpose of Using Spiritual Tools for Purification, Healing and Advancement

Much of the general population is naive on the use of spiritual tools and their profound value because so much of this sacred rare art has been hidden, abandoned, corrupted, and/or abused. In modern times spirituality is a very mysterious subject to many people who are uneducated and miseducated on the innate power of their own boundless souls.

Generally if the subject mesmerizes you and you are called in your heart to undertake spiritual development then the use of spiritual tools will be an important adjunct for your growth. When you attend to your soul’s needs you become the ONE person in a sea of thousands of people who are choosing to WAKE THEMSELVES up to a larger reality.

If you do not need healing tools and you can do these things for yourself then you should. These healing tools are only for those people who would like spiritual assistance. Generally, the people who seek and are willing to receive assistance in life go the furthest. Take for example professional athletes.  They will use an expert fitness trainer, a positive mind-set coach, the best equipment, proper nutrition, great competitive talent and years of practice to become the best they can be.

Contrary to popular belief, GREAT people do not advance themselves naturally. It takes commitment, effort, direction, and the honing of skills. Additionally,  it usually takes assistance and resources. The type and quality of assistance you choose for yourself in any endeavor will also determine your outcome in becoming your best YOU. In this modern day world we live in resources generally includes precious time and money.

All healing is self-generated. The human being is grander than the most amazing machines on Earth. However, no matter how amazing you are, sometimes you will need to use a hammer, ladder, flashlight, a tiny piece of string or a jet. If you wanted to get to Australia would you want to walk, climb and swim to get there? That could take you decades depending on where you live and who you are. If you want to fly by airplane that could take you hours no matter where you live or who you are. It does not make you any less advanced, less able or less savvy to use tools that will assist you in meeting your goals.

Using high-level spiritual tools to develop and elevate yourself is — WISDOM. Advanced spiritual people who attend to their spiritual development by investing in resources, information and tools they believe in will gain the most for themselves. Modern day spirituality is quiet amazing to say the least because we have so much to draw from.

The most advanced temple High Priest and High Priestess in ancient Egypt used vibrational tools very much like what is being offered here. These tools were never made available to the masses. These tools were part of the temple’s treasure secrets that provided purification, healing and spiritual development. These temple treasures are what I brought back from the past to assist you thousands of years into the future — now.

Spiritual tools are also used by native medicine people all around the world to help their tribes to remain healthy and connected to their souls.  Due to modern society encroaching upon the native ways of the indigenous people the current and future generations are losing the ability to use the spiritual healing arts to take care of the people.

If these ways become fully lost the alternative becomes to solely depend upon Western medicine to heal the mind-body-soul that are connected. Currently, Western medicine is inept at dealing with the soul. Without dealing with the soul a non-repairable systemic global mess is created.

Because we are living in such a very fast paced, overly domesticated and chaotic world the spiritual frequency of this planet and its inhabitants are in dire need of assistance. Due to this unexaggerated truth divine intervention is needed to assist a spiritually starved world. The private healing sessions and many of the tools on this modern day website have been given as tools of divine intervention. It is powerful to use divine interventions when they are made available to you and to maintain deep reverent gratitude and respect to the spiritual realms for the life long blessings and love they bestow upon life.

Use the wisdom of your heart to lead you. Do not seek what is right for you by modern society’s standards, your intellect, or your ego because all of them are disconnected from the soul. Just as a limb that is not continuously used will atrophy the same happens with our ability to use our soul’s wisdom and power.  When your mind, body and soul are disconnected and out of alignment you must seek help quickly.

Temple spaces are for those who are here to uphold the sacred on this planet. The sacred starts within the body temple. First you must “remember” there are temples spaces both within you and outside of you. These temple spaces welcome you. They are your holy home away from home. However, to walk into the temple chambers you must possess a pure heart and proper inner guidance. Then you must purify yourself, heal yourself, and uplift yourself to serve both yourself and your community outside of the temple. The sacred within you and the sacredness of this planet depend on those who honor the temple space.

PART 2 – Modern Day Investing in Your Spiritual Care

There was a time on the planet when what was true was obvious. This is not always the case today.  Today there is much clamor in the world vying for your attention.  The idea of quantity has dominated quality. Because of this it is even more important to deeply discern what is true in a commercial driven world.

Seek to find the people whose assistance resonates with your soul the deepest. Their assistance can help you reclaim the natural gifts of your soul. The price range and the expertise level of the helpers you seek are also very important for you to decide. Choosing to invest in life changing spiritual work is a decision that should be made with great care. Just as you would try to choose the best medical attention for your body you may also want to choose the best spiritual attention for your soul’s care.

Whatever care you give your soul  totally affects your whole being and life. Investing in your soul’s care should be prioritized as one of the greatest investments you are willing to make for yourself. For many people they have a mental barrier for paying for life changing spiritual services. They believe spiritual work should be made free to all or at bargain prices.  And yet they will easily invest in 10-vacations, luxury cars, jewelry, spa treatments, regular massages and cosmetic surgery. This is state of the modern world’s thinking around their deeper soul’s health.
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The more you can open yourself up to receiving the best care for your soul the more you will notice there are some very potent things out there for those who hold the spiritual comprehension to want to partake in them. Find the ideal faces, places and resources that magnetically draw you in.  Feel what your soul  needs from you.

All the tools on this website have been crafted with the highest integrity and premium level spiritual expertise. All of the products offered here have been tested first to ensure they work. They are not designed to be given at a bargain price or for free. They are designed to be the best level of spiritual care made available on the planet that can greatly assist you on your journey and change your life. The work that is offered here has taken decades of time to learn, create and to be able to conduct. This is very rare and sacred work.

Generally people who invest in sacred work find that their investments are usually returned to them 100 fold by the grace of the Divine. This happens because the soul has requested the care and the person has listened.

PART 3 – Prosperity Consciouness for the Spiritual Person

Prosperity Blessings are offered to anyone who wants to partake in this work but feels that they cannot afford it. Simply send us a 1-sentence email that it is your intention and responsibility to have the financial resources you need in order to assist yourself in getting the spiritual care you desire and deserve.  Due to time constrains you will not receive a formal reply but you will automatically receive a prosperity blessings on the next Monday after your request.

The blessing can help in freeing up the resistance you may have in the areas of receiving assistance and abundance. Truly, abundance is always there for anyone who wants it. Lack is still an illusion just like everything else. When you accept the idea that you have free will and that you are the ultimate creator of the reality you experience then you will understand that you also create what you allow yourself to have. That is the bad news and the great news.

Even children are powerful creators whose creations started way before they were born. Every single circumstance of our life we have created. We are the actors, producers, and screen writers for our lives. You family, friends, co-workers, community and Mother Earth are your stage props.  Everything is here to serve your Earth dream. You are everywhere. You are everything that you see. You are the eye behind the eye. You are soul dancing and creating with the human ego to grow (go) back into the arms of God.

When you recognize that you are infinite then you can recognize that your financial blessings can come from anywhere at any time. Open yourself to receiving the bounty of the universe in an easy, legitimate, and honorable way. There is no shortage of abundance. When your mind can receive a bigger reality that is the reality you will live here on the planet.

“When you are pushed by external circumstances to have more, it is your soul’s way of saying to you that you can BE more. Take the opportunity to be more.”

To need more, changes you on a deep level. This happens because it creates a stress (the seedling pushing out from the soil) that forces you to grow (go). This actually serves your soul well because the soul desires expansion. Without the need for more we do not grow. Often however, people become stressed instead of focusing on moving through the barrier that creates the momentum to grow.

Once you “allow” the expansion, your life is never the same again. Allowing for more is important. Take for example the first time you earned money as a child. Maybe the thought of earning 50 cents was a lot of money. But once you got a $1 that was huge. Then once you got $2 you were not thinking about 50 cents anymore.

As your expectations grew and you wanted more money the bread crumbs that the adults around you wanted to give you was no longer appealing for you anymore. You then probably got your own job that would pay you what you wanted or you asked for more money from your parents. But there was a day that something clicked inside of you that your time was worth more than 50 cents.

In most civilized societies slavery is no longer legal. It is only permissible for those who continue to believe it in because it is all they know and yet their belief in it now will allow them to know something more later.

In modern societies where woman are able to earn money outside of relying upon their husbands or men, where anyone can become an entrepreneur, and where the internet is the new marketing machine there are much fewer restrictions on the amount of money one can earn. This idea needs to start sinking deeper into the minds of the general population.

The days of poverty for the masses are coming to an end and a new world is slowly emerging. If you do not believe this ask your grandparents. They had probably very little access to generating more money for their family if they wanted a better life. Your ability to earn money is now up to what you will allow for yourself and what value you will place on what you offer to the world.

What you offer to the world will encompass your presence, expertise, wisdom,  experience, character, personal style, energy, X factors, quality of your inner light and education. By education I do not only mean formal education  — it can be the education from the School of Hard Knocks or your own self studies.

It is important for people to realize that many times they put themselves into very small boxes due to generational habits and beliefs that were passed down to them around the issue of money. Most in the general population has fears around money. It has been deeply impeded into the psyche of humanity due to the dysfunctional ways of world governments that have poorly and greedily handled the commerce affairs of the people. It is truly time for people to reclaim a positive concept of money for the sake of their own lives. Without this critical reclaiming for yourself will suffer greatly.

You CAN generate money and anything else you may need through the power of using your unlimited magical imagination. Nothing was ever created without the use of imagination. It is a misunderstood and underestimated piece of God that is within all of us. It is the ultimate creator that a child can use to make blankets into castles. When an adult reclaims the power of their imagination they can turn water into wine.

If you are in alignment with God’s will for you — then you never will have to go without again. Once you start to deeply realize that you CAN have ample prosperity everything will start to change from that point on because you will have just interjected a new standard of living into your life.  Joy, freedom, happiness, peace, compassion, love, respect, success, friendships, and connections … all are part of having prosperity in your life.

Prosperity turns up the goodness in life. These things cannot be bought with money, but they sure are affected deeply when you do not have money. Why? Because a lack of money brings out the buried powerlessness a person feels in their own life. When you have chronic money issues you do not have a money problem. You have deeper unaddressed and unresolved feelings of powerlessness going on.

What is money? Money is an energy exchange. It is not about needing something from someone else who has something that you want. It is about you both sharing your energy in equal proportions. In the new world that is emerging, “money fairness” is an exalted virtue. This means — equal exchange.

If someone gave you 30 cents on something you did or created for them that you put a value for your time and skills at $1, then that is not an equal exchange. It is important to ask for what you feel is fair and receive what you feel is fair.  You do not need to lower your price. They need to offer more value so they can raise their prices if they do not have enough money to pay you. This is the healthy mentality of someone who can value their worth.

The lawmakers of society have totally corrupted the idea of money in the name of greed. Therefore, the mass’s concept of money has been totally corrupted and perverted. Many people believe that money is evil and therefore, they keep it away from themselves subconsciously. Money is a neutral piece of paper that you can use to buy things. Evil is only interested in producing more evil. If money were evil you would only be able to buy evil things.

Money in its purest sense of use is actually a deeply spiritual concept. It is a physical form of exchanging energy. The whole entire universe is predicated upon the necessary exchange of energy. People who are spiritually rich and give a lot of their integrity and light filled energy should never be poor. They….. should ….. be….. abundant… and dare I say, even rich. Everyone can be abundant because everyone knows how to exchange energy. It is as natural as the in-breath and the out-breath.

It is the spiritual law of compensation —  to both give and receive. This is one of the universal realities of creation. If you only give you are out of alignment. If you only take the same is true. If you give a lot you should most definitely receive a lot. Do not cut yourself off from the flow of the abundant universe. It is just not a good idea.

You are very powerful. You can cut off your life force if you choose to do this and you probably are doing this right now if you do not have money. Spiritual people are notorious GIVERS and SACRIFICERS. Their hearts overflow with wanting to help without concern for themselves many times.

The need for sacrifice on the planet was real at one time. The reason for this is because not enough people were giving and those who recognized it GAVE for all their communities on behalf of humanity. Those days are passing away as more people on the planet stand in their own light and GIVE.  God bless all the people of the past who sacrificed for us.

It is now time for spiritual people to have ALL of their needs met in abundance as they generously give to themselves and society.  They have learned the out-breath of giving. And they must now apply the in-breath to the equation. Spiritual people do not have to be poor, ashamed to earn an ample amount of finances to enjoy their lives, or give away their precious services for free or greatly reduced prices. But it must first start with reeducating the mind and heart that you can have what you want and you do deserve your piece of the pie.

There will come a time that the financial systems of the world will be rebuilt. There may even come a time that there will be no need for a “money system,”  and a new system that supports life will be made available to replace it. Yet even without a dysfunctional money system people still are in the learning process of the Law of Compensation. This universal law will continue and people will still need to take the in-breath and the out-breath of receiving and giving.

I have discussed these concepts here extensively because many “good spiritual people” suffer needlessly around abundance. Freeing yourself from any misery around lack needs to be a priority for each person’s life. A new start can begin here.

Take a deep in-breath, place your hand over your heart, and on the out-breath repeat 3-times aloud daily, “I release any resistance to being reconnected to the true source of abundance. I am supported by the divine within me. All of my needs are fully met. I can have my true heart’s desires no matter the cost. I am centered in God’s boundless abundance and assistance. I am free to be my best beautiful self and fully enjoy my life!

Thu-Hien Poma of Adonai